Multi-Media Installation
Imagine trying to get a hold of a high-up person in an important institution or corporation. In some cases, you could probably find an email address after an extensive Google search, in other cases, even their names could remain a mystery. This inaccessibility of higher powers is frustrating and often time-wasting. Corporations run the world we live in, ever increasing their technology and fabricating algorithms that’ll keep us consuming products and content - yet we can’t reach them. For example, Coca-Cola, we see and recognise the bottle on the shelf, but what else is going on. The behind the scenes of such a large company remains such a mystery to the public - ideas, structures, financial situations, power-play, scandals.
“I’m an artist for one reason, to be free.” - Laurie Anderson.
‘TOM MEDIA CORP.’ is the result of many frustrations, confusions, and rebellion when it comes to understanding the media in the world today. I have taken matters into my own hands; by creating the front of a self-sufficient, media conglomerate universe. Starting out, I would claim this company, and all assets it holds, to be ‘fake’. But now, after being so engulfed in it, I wonder what even constitutes a ‘real’ or ‘fake’ company anymore. Is it to do with legal documents, or can you get away with pure manifestation and narcissism. I see correlations with the ideas of conspiracists like ‘flat-earthers’, and the ever-confusing ‘fake news’ phenomenon. Perhaps the work lives in a world of its own. The idea developed more, influenced by Jean Baudrillard’s theories of hyper-reality, content started being produced. The latest addition being the DJ/Producer duo 2+OM, who will be performing live in hologram - the sort of technology that is only really common in corporate events or live concerts. Utilising a hologram as the medium of the DJ duo’s concert brought back, in some sort of full-circle way, the idea of the conglomerate blurring the line of reality and fiction.
The CEO of TOM MEDIA CORP. Thomas Shackleton remains a mystery even to me, the creator. How much control does this man have in the company? Is he deceased? All I know is that a beautiful portrait of Mr. Shackleton hangs in the office of Peter Shand, the Head of Elam School of Fine Arts.
‘tomFM Presents: 2+OM Live in Concert’
Digital advertisement for ‘TOMFM Presents: 2+OM Live in Concert, a Holographic Experience’
2+OM are a DJ/Producer duo (signed to TOMRECORDS consisting of Tom Shackleton and Tom Shackleton. Their live debut was a 10-minute holographic performance on 14.11.19 on Level 3, Mondrian Building, Elam.
Watch the full concert here


Portrait of TOM MEDIA CORP. CEO, Thomas Shackleton
Made by taking a self-portait, putting that through FaceApp to look aged, then commisioning a digital painter on Fiverr to paint it.
Install: Hung in a decorative golden frame, paired with a golden plaque, in the Head of School’s office at Elam.
TOM MEDIA CORP. Worker Uniform
35mm film pic documenting the working uniform.
‘TOMtv’ — Reality Show

Install: Flatscreen TV mounted on a C-stand in the center of the Elam School of Fine Arts foyer.

Presenter seems to be outraged by the show on ‘TOMtv’
Install: CRT TV seemingly chucked in the skip outside ELam School of Fine Arts

Billboard advertisement for TOMfm’s ‘Squidgie & The Poodle’ daily radio show.
‘Just Clownin’ Around’
Video Performance
Performance of a hired clown doing his act only to me
It was originally livestreamed to a TV located outside of the room, where an audience could watch.